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A pointed gardening implement used to make holes in soil, especially for planting bulbs or seedlings.
tr.v. dib·bled, dib·bling, dib·bles
1. To make holes in (soil) with a pointed implement.
2. To plant by means of a pointed implement.

[Middle English dibbel.]

dib′bler n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Horticulture) Also called (esp Brit): dibber a small hand tool used to make holes in the ground for planting or transplanting bulbs, seeds, or roots
1. (Horticulture) to make a hole in (the ground) with a dibble
2. (Horticulture) to plant (bulbs, seeds, etc) with a dibble
[C15: of obscure origin]
ˈdibbler n


vb (intr)
1. (Angling) a variant of dib
2. a less common word for dabble


slang Brit a policeman
[C20: allusion to the police officer of that name in the children's animated cartoon Top Cat]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdɪb əl)

n., v. -bled, -bling. n.
1. Also, dib•ber (ˈdɪb ər) a small, hand-held, pointed implement for making holes in soil, as for planting seedlings and bulbs.
2. to make holes (in soil) with a dibble.
3. to plant with a dibble.
[1325–75; late Middle English; compare dial. dib in same sense (obscurely akin to dip1)]
dib′bler, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- "To drink like a duck," lifting up the head after each sip.
See also related terms for sip.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: dibbled
Gerund: dibbling

I dibble
you dibble
he/she/it dibbles
we dibble
you dibble
they dibble
I dibbled
you dibbled
he/she/it dibbled
we dibbled
you dibbled
they dibbled
Present Continuous
I am dibbling
you are dibbling
he/she/it is dibbling
we are dibbling
you are dibbling
they are dibbling
Present Perfect
I have dibbled
you have dibbled
he/she/it has dibbled
we have dibbled
you have dibbled
they have dibbled
Past Continuous
I was dibbling
you were dibbling
he/she/it was dibbling
we were dibbling
you were dibbling
they were dibbling
Past Perfect
I had dibbled
you had dibbled
he/she/it had dibbled
we had dibbled
you had dibbled
they had dibbled
I will dibble
you will dibble
he/she/it will dibble
we will dibble
you will dibble
they will dibble
Future Perfect
I will have dibbled
you will have dibbled
he/she/it will have dibbled
we will have dibbled
you will have dibbled
they will have dibbled
Future Continuous
I will be dibbling
you will be dibbling
he/she/it will be dibbling
we will be dibbling
you will be dibbling
they will be dibbling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been dibbling
you have been dibbling
he/she/it has been dibbling
we have been dibbling
you have been dibbling
they have been dibbling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been dibbling
you will have been dibbling
he/she/it will have been dibbling
we will have been dibbling
you will have been dibbling
they will have been dibbling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been dibbling
you had been dibbling
he/she/it had been dibbling
we had been dibbling
you had been dibbling
they had been dibbling
I would dibble
you would dibble
he/she/it would dibble
we would dibble
you would dibble
they would dibble
Past Conditional
I would have dibbled
you would have dibbled
he/she/it would have dibbled
we would have dibbled
you would have dibbled
they would have dibbled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.dibble - a wooden hand tool with a pointed enddibble - a wooden hand tool with a pointed end; used to make holes in the ground for planting seeds or bulbs
hand tool - a tool used with workers' hands
Verb1.dibble - plant with a wooden hand tool; "dibble Spring bulbs"
plant, set - put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"
2.dibble - make a hole with a wooden hand tool; "dibble the ground"
dig, dig out - create by digging; "dig a hole"; "dig out a channel"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


A. Nplantador m
B. VT (also to dibble in) → plantar con plantador
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


nPflanzholz nt, → Setzholz nt
vt plantsetzen, pflanzen; holemachen, graben
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
Neither side really put a stamp on the early exchanges, Wright heading a Luke Young corner wide before Christian Dibble did his dented confidence the power of good as he came to claim Josh Smile's corner, the goalkeeper then releasing Tollitt his pass in turn just slightly too far ahead of Bobby Grant as the Dragons looked to counter quickly.
And their performance was rewarded on 69 minutes as a deep cross from Ryan Booty was misjudged by Christian Dibble and Kristian Dennis had the simplest of tasks to head into an empty net.
Adjustable tips Dibble Optical has added a new style to the Flexible & Safe collection from its Miraflex brand of children's eyewear.
The site, near Redhills Farm, Uplowman, is owned by Stephen Dibble of Bycott Farm, Halberton.
Kevin Roberts sliced a Jack Muldoon cross away for a corner while Muldoon fired straight at Dibble as the half wore on, the Town attacker allowed far too much space from which to advance from deep.
A FILM about Britain's worst coach crash is being screened in Thornaby - the town left devastated by the disaster at Dibble's Bridge.
ANDY DIBBLE comes face to face with his old club Manchester City today - but there's not much he will recognise from his days as a Citizen.
Chorley did their best to break the deadlock, but saw Christian Dibble fist over a close-range header while Jordan Nicholson somehow headed one off the line - the same man then pushed wide the best chance for Boro at the other end.
In a tight first half, Nuneaton held their play-off chasing opponents, with the hosts' best opening coming right at the end of the half, as a goal-mouth scramble saw a save from Christian Dibble, before goal-line blocks from Ben Starosta and Theo Streete.
It might have happened but for some excellent goalkeeping from Christian Dibble, but that shouldn't cover up a performance that fell below the standard set in the past few weeks.
By Jeremy Dibble. (Music in Britain, 1600-2000.) Woodbridge, Suffolk, Eng.: Boydell Press, 2013.
Craig Dibble, 28, was jailed for almost seven years yesterday for what a judge said had been a campaign of offending against families.