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High-frequency traders would be more deterrable than non-white collar offenders because "they have more to lose monetarily and in community standing, [] their crimes are often calculated to bring about a specific profit[,]" and they "may be more fearful of the possibility of jail time." (156) In analyzing the sentence of Raj Rajaratnam, Anna Driggers noted that his sentence would:
The good news is that since the North Korean regime is rational, war is avoidable, Pyongyang is deterrable, and "Washington can pursue diplomacy with realistic goals" (290).
(57) He notes that public and private entities in the United States experience cyber attacks on a daily basis, and if these attacks are deterrable, then the U.S.
Also informative on this point is Gary Schaub Jr., "Are Rogue Regimes Deterrable?," in Lowther, Deterrence: Rising Powers, Rogue Regimes, and Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century, 135-61.
Similarly, the more culpable wrongdoer is generally more aware of the consequences of his act and so more deterrable by the threat of punishment.
(152) However, if "an offender has been convicted of a serious violent offense, and there is a reliable basis for belie[ving] that the offender presents a higher risk of serious violent offending in the future, priority may be given to the goal of incapacitation." (153) This will not be a common occurrence, as "[m]ost juvenile criminal careers last a very short time." (154) It is also important to note that deterrence cannot be the primary sentencing goal of a juvenile offender because juvenile offenders are less deterrable due to their reduced ability to reason and weigh consequences.
deterrable subject of criminal law that underpinned them continue to
has no great need for weapons it never intends to use; any enemy who cannot be deterred by America's overwhelming conventional military might is simply not deterrable. Nonetheless, if America is to have nuclear weapons as anything other than totemic bulwarks against a narrative of national decline, it is inevitable that they must one day again be tested.
Once again, the narrower--albeit still tangible--scope of discretion typically available to child soldiers suggests that they would be even less deterrable than adults.
Some have argued that Iraq is unlikely to use weapons of mass destruction against us because, unlike terrorist networks, Saddam Hussein has a return address; that is to say he's probably deterrable, is the argument.
If the truth is that custodial interrogation without Miranda waivers does not violate the Constitution, does not violate the Miranda evidentiary rule, and does hot constitute deterrable misconduct, any statements thus obtained have legitimate investigative and evidentiary uses:
1976) (sentencing a nursing home operator, prominent sentencing reformer Judge Marvin Frankel noted, "[W]e continue to include among our working hypotheses a belief (with some concrete evidence in its support) that crimes like those in this case--deliberate, purposeful, continuing, non-impulsive, and committed for profit--are among those most likely to be generally deterrable by sanctions most shunned by those exposed to temptation.").