

(Art Movements) art an artist who destroys objects during a public performance
of or relating to destructivists or their theories
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Some writers have made a distinction between a destructivist (hard-core) and constructivist (soft-core) postmodernism.
7 RAPHAEL MONTANEZ ORTIZ (BLOOMBERG SPACE, LONDON) In his abyssal 1985 piece What Is This?--the highlight of "The Mind Is a Horse (Part 2)," the latest in an occasional series of video compendiums lassoed together by Bloomberg's curators--"Destructivist" artist Ortiz toggles agonizingly between frames of an old movie, stretching a few seconds of black-and-white celluloid (a girl rolling an unexploded bomb off a table, to her parents' horror) into nine minutes of stuttering Freudian psychodrama.
In its re-empowerment, orality could revenge itself by assuming modernism's destructivist methodology of tearing everything down and putting something different in its place.