destination page

Related to destination page: destination site

destination page

The web page a user intends to visit when clicking on a particular link.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
References in periodicals archive ? also launched a digital home furnishings shopping experience last month complete with inspirational images and a destination page on its site.
Here's what we're introducing: A Home destination page that features curated collections guided by design trends and in-house stylists, Nine shop-by-style options, including modern, mid-century, traditional, glam, industrial, bohemian, farmhouse, transitional and Scandinavian (my personal favorite is a combination of modern and mid-century),Editorial-style imagery and design tips that will enable customers to discover different styles and how to pull together a complete look.
"We have a special Little Rock destination page through their website, and Little Rock and, quite frankly, the state of Arkansas would never have had that kind of reach without a program like this.
Authentication CGI creates priority cookie that includes returned priority key and returns it with redirect information to destination page.
*USA Today ups the ante: Gannett's USA Today Sports and Media Group said on Thursday it had signed an agreement with Mediarex Sports and Entertainment's Global Poker Index that will have the national daily host a "competitive poker-themed destination page" starting in January.
A single smart link delivers users to the correct destination page regardless of their device type or other variables; maintains deep linking even when users click through to an app store to download the app; and documents each user's click path, generating the market's most detailed mobile attribution analytics for optimizing marketing spend.
So as soon as you click on the object, you'll be directed to the destination page or you can locate that item.
Deep hyperlinks direct a website user straight to the destination page, while surface or shallow hyperlinks only bring the user to a different website's homepage.
TOURISM Ireland has become the third most popular destination page on Facebook.
The commercial was premiered on Tourism Australia's Facebook page, which is the most popular destination page in the world with more than three million fans.
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