desert soil

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Related to desert soil: forest soil

desert soil

(Physical Geography) a type of soil developed in arid climates, characterized by a lack of leaching and small humus content
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Noun1.desert soil - a type of soil that develops in arid climatesdesert soil - a type of soil that develops in arid climates
dirt, soil - the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock
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References in periodicals archive ?
(2010) Evolution of soil structure and fertility after conversion of native sandy desert soil to irrigated cropland in arid region, China.
Habitat: An evergreen shrub member of the Agavaceae family growing up to 5m in desert soil and native to the South East United States.
Since 2005 he has been working on Liquid Nanoclay (LNC), a process to mix nano-particles of clay with water and bind them to sand particles in order to condition desert soil.
Thermophilic bacteria thrive in harsh environmental conditions like as geothermal vents, hot springs and desert soil (8).
The exhibit contains photographs, paintings, and three-dimensional works that tell a story of resilience and beauty in the small mining town of Eureka, Utah, where families struggle with poverty while gold dust glitters in the desert soil.
Guruvayoor is no newbie to records and awards, all of it in growing plants in the usually unforgiving desert soil with innovative ideas and hard work.
If desert soil could becomes more prone to erosion, it would not be fertile enough to support plants and feed animals.
Confining Leaphorn to the bench certainly doesn't shut him up, and he serves as a sounding board and mentor for Chee and Chee's wife, policewoman Bernadette Manuelito, as they struggle through a pair of perplexing cases, one involving the murder of a film company employee on the set of a B-grade zombie flick, and another featuring a very suspicious character furtively moving boxes of desert soil around the Southwest in the back of a rented Chevy Malibu.
Desert soil is an excellent ecosystem and colonized by various groups of microorganisms with extremities of environmental conditions.
After the visiting dignitaries offered a few words, the bemused-looking players donned hard hats and tossed spadefuls of sandy desert soil as the cameras clicked.
The lower branches from the main trunk are leaning downwards as if kissing the desert soil and expressing love and regards for the continuing sustenance.