
Also found in: Medical.


(Biochemistry) the act or process of defibrinating
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In addition, it does not require specific equipment for defibrination and is cost-free.
Therefore, defibrination (or inhibition of fibrin formation) is essential to avoid the interference brought about by the turbidity of the clotting plasma.
Centruroides sculpturatus venom and platelet reactivity: possible role in scorpion venom induced defibrination syndrome.
Mr X's less-than-optimal coagulation profile (Table 1) can be explained by complete defibrination caused by venom-induced consumptive coagulopathy (VICC), which can manifest within 30 minutes of envenomation (Therapeutic Guidelines, 2012; WCH, 2014).
Variables such as techniques of defibrination, detection of end points, interference from heparin cofactor II, and different levels of the target enzyme thrombin contributed to inaccuracies of the preamidolytic methods.
Women with PPH are particularly susceptible to defibrination (severe hypofibrinogenaemia) and this is particularly relevant to the most severe cases that will be considered for rFVIIa; rFVIIa will not work if there is no fibrinogen and effectiveness may also be suboptimal with severe thrombocytopenia (less than 20 x 10 (9)/l).Therefore, fibrinogen should be above 1g/l and platelets greater than 20 x 10 (9)/l before rFVIIa is given.