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A polygon with ten sides and ten angles.

[Medieval Latin decagōnum, from Greek dekagōnon, from neuter of dekagōnos, having ten angles : deka, ten; see dekm̥ in Indo-European roots + -gōnos, angled; see -gon.]

de·cag′o·nal (dĭ-kăg′ə-nəl) adj.
de·cag′o·nal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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One of its first tasks is to deploy its two decagonal solar arrays, which will provide power.
A flat roof raised on a tapering, decagonal drum covers the slightly pointed inner dome.
The quasicrystalline alloys exhibit rotational and structural symmetries with five, eight, ten and twelve have formations icosahedral, decagonal and dodecahedron in general deference of a unit cell structure [4].
Wright, "Rudimentary quasicrystallography: the icosahedral and decagonal reciprocal lattices," Physical Review.
made a conjecture regarding these values to recover the anisotropic sound attenuation rates that they observed in decagonal quasicrystals [18].
We have also introduced the encoding of transmembrane regions from the perspective of decagonal isometries group ([D.sub.10]) into decagonal isometries matrix (DIM).
Local painter and cake decorator Rosalie LaCroix of Auburn may be best known as the artist who painted global flora and fauna on the 10-panel, plexiglass decagonal ceiling over the energy exhibit at the Worcester EcoTarium science and nature museum, but she is proudest of the work she did in the Adolescent Unit at Westboro State Hospital.
The fifteenth century is not scientifically hollow either: for example, one finds a host of intricate design patterns in Islamic architecture of the period that exhibit surprisingly advanced decagonal quasicrystal geometry--a concept discovered by Western mathematicians and physicists only in the 1970s and 1980s.
He made a special box of chocolates with three triangular sweets, four square sweets, five pentagonal sweets and so on up to 10 decagonal sweets.
Heating of the powder up to the temperature 600--800 [degrees]C enables increase of the [beta]-phase period ([a.sub.[beta]] = 0.29460(9) nm) and formation instead of y-phase of crystalline approximant of decagonal quasi-crystal--phase [O.sub.1] (Figure 6, curve 2).