

One who attends dance performances.

dance′go′ing adj. & n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Even when the image seems to crumple under the structure, as happens in her new Mozart piece, Ballare, there is still much for a dancegoer to carre away.
But are new works with full-length stories too plot-driven for the serious dancegoer?
For the general dancegoer there may be too much of talking heads, yet learning about these dance-makers and their personal as well as political struggles is valuable.--GEORGE JACKSON
While a recording may never compete with hearing Kirsten Flagstad or Yehudi Menuhin live, what dancegoer wouldn't love to catch even a glimpse of Edward Villella in Prodigal Son or Nora Kaye in Pillar of Fire?
By inclination, choice and profession, I am an inveterate dancegoer. Now, between last January and the end of August, I find I attended a total of exactly 130 performances, most of them in New York (although some of foreign companies) and others in varied places--Chicago: Philadelphia; Houston; Tivoli, New York; St.
Orman was an avid dancegoer and became involved in the dance community through her work.
How do you cater to the needs of diverse attendees, from novice dancegoers to lifelong fans to scholars and critics?
Their arrival during a period of widespread social liberalization in the Western democracies helped make ballet, the most overtly sensual and sexual of the performing arts, especially appealing to a new generation of dancegoers.
Because of its proximity to major dance hubs in other parts of Europe, it is able to commission notable choreographers, while capitalizing on Reykjavik's small community of artists and dancegoers. The company regularly performs works by Jirl Kylian, Itzik Galili, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and artistic advisor Erna Umarsdottir.
Al but the most sophisticated dancegoers tended to overlook the emotional resonance of the court dancing in the second, storyless act.
Dancegoers who rejected the mayhem of Pina Bausch's Wuppertaler Tanztheater last year have been drawn to Paul Taylor's last work, Last Look, performed during the Taylor company's April season at City Center.
Kristi Capps was the corps dancer who made dancegoers snap to attention when she joined Cincinnati Ballet 12 years ago.