crystal nucleus

crystal nucleus

(Chemistry) chem the tiny crystal that forms at the onset of crystallization
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Hydrodissection must be done gentlely and sufficiently to ensure that the crystal nucleus may be adequately rotated.
When the gas dissolved to become the equilibrium state, the pressure tended to be stable, which was recorded as the starting point of induction time and the ending time was denoted with the formation of hydrate crystal nucleus.
For homogeneous nucleation, the crystal nucleus is formed continuously by folded chain, resulting in crystals of great size.
Cold crystallization process makes the form of crystal nucleus become easier, and the more crystal nucleus is, the more crystal of PLLA is, resulting in the increasing of melting enthalpy.
Crystal nucleus is formed by calcium and oxalate together.
The cold-drawn amorphous fibers were kept at room temperature for several minutes to generate the crystal nucleus, and then two-step drawing was applied with a stretching machine at room temperature.
It generates the PZT crystal nucleus with the interaction of supersaturated ion or ionic group, nucleus collides each other in the suspension, small crystal nucleus gradually dissolve, and big crystal nucleus grow up slowly then precipitate out from the solution to a certain degree.
At this point, pH of gel does not significantly influence the formation rate of crystal nucleus. However, the quantitative data about the crystal size at each pH was not available because all crystals were very brittle; therefore to separate and measure the crystals in every parameter could break down the crystals shape and size.
Effectively it acts as a catalyst, clamping on to calcium carbonate particles to kickstart crystal formation and then dropping off when the crystal nucleus is sufficiently large to grow under its own steam.
With increasing the PNA content, PNA provides crystal nucleus acting as heterogeneous nucleation and induces the crystallization, which contributes to the crystallization of PA6 in higher temperature.