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Related to cryptomonad: Cryptophyta, phylum Cryptophyta
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Noun1.cryptomonad - common in fresh and salt water appearing along the shore as algal blooms
alga, algae - primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves
class Cryptophyceae, Cryptophyceae - motile usually brownish-green protozoa-like algae
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References in periodicals archive ?
For example, Jack and Gilbert (1993) found maximum growth rates of 0.87 per day for the oligotrich ciliate Strobilidium gyrans (Stokes, 1887), and 0.86 per day for Euplotes eurystomus (Wrzesniowski, 1870) feeding on a cryptomonad algae at a temperature of 20 [degrees]C.
If not fully conclusive, available evidence on the subject based mainly on flow cytometry seems to support the second possibility: In a series of experiments with seven species of bivalves fed a mixture of microalgae (a dinoflagellate, a diatom, and a cryptomonad flagellate), Shumway et al.
Control fish cultures were treated identically, except that they received similar addition of only residual cryptomonad culture without P.
Cell concentrations of the laboratory cryptomonad cultures were determined by in vivo fluorescence using a calibrated fluorometer (Sequoia-Turner Model 450, Turner Designs, Sunnyvale, California).
The cryptomonad alga Guillardia theta provides a good model organism for tracing the ancestry of plastid-bearing eukaryotes.
pectinata competent to produce diapausing amictic eggs in natural populations should produce them when their preferred cryptomonad food is randomly or evenly dispersed and decreases in concentration, or when it is patchy and they move from patches of high concentration to those of lower concentration.
EFL GTPase in cryptomonads and the distribution of EFL and EF-1[alpha] in chromalveolates.
Using additional diagnostic chlorophyll and carotenoid photopigments as indicators of major phytoplankton functional groups (i.e., diatoms, dinoflagellates, chlorophytes, cyanobacteria, cryptomonads), we can examine the interactive effects of nutrient and hydrologically driven changes of phytoplankton community composition and activity.
In the northern taiga the most abundant populations are chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae, especially Dinobryon), dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), and cryptomonads (Cryptophyceae).