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pl n
(Geological Science) a dark powder found at the bottom of glacier holes, formerly thought to be cosmic in origin but now widely regarded to be terrestrial
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High mountain regions of the Asian continent contain a combination of algae and windblown minerals called cryoconite within ablation zones near the lower terminations of glaciers.
Despite Captain Scott's belief that there was nothing living in the valley, a number of microbial organisms inhabit the soils, lakes, streams and cryoconite holes on the glaciers, the largest of which are nematodes, rotifers and tardigrades.
Director Orlowski adds other practical and understated material, probing the cryoconite holes that melt giant ice sheets, rappelling into spectacular moulins and panning vast landscapes with Balog's crew in view to convey the daunting scale.
The microbial communities and primary productivity of cryoconite holes in an Arctic glacier (Svalbard 79 [degrees]N).
Glacial cryoconite ecosystems: A bipolar comparison of algal communities and habitats.