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Related to criminalism: communism


an act or action having the character of a crime. Also criminality. — criminal, n., adj.
See also: Law
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.criminalism - the state of being a criminal
guilt, guiltiness - the state of having committed an offense
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References in periodicals archive ?
MELBOURNE/KARA CHI -- In continuation of a report of Messenger, published on April 12, 2019, a large number of people from all over the world have said that where, the terrorism, criminalism, barbarism, kidnapism and anti-religionism have become the identity of the city and Karachi known as world worst and most dangerous place while, the country's former and present rulers, politicians and law enforcing agencies have been declaring that city has become peaceful and crimes have also been controlled, there, how 16,760 criminal happenings including 149-murder, 88- kidnap, snatching of 9,539 mobile phones, motorcycles and vehicles, 2210 armed robberies, 4,912 injuries, 744 child abusing episodes and thousands of other related offenses registered 'on record'?
The book "The New Underworld Order:Triumph of Criminalism", written by Christopher Story singled out the "Corrupt 1997 TNK Privatization" that included bribery, mail and wire fraud, money laundering, illegal transactions in monetary instruments, and violations of the Travel Act in regard to the Corrupt 1999 TNK Privatization effected by the partners (page 729).
They are the root causes for the poverty, injustice, casteism, corruption, communalism, criminalism and terrorism and other evils prevailing in our country.