

(ˈkriːpɪ; ˈkrɪp-)
(Furniture) chiefly Scot a low stool
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Highlights this summer include a visit to a fire station, water safety training, creepie critters, simple science and skiing and tubing sessions.
Michael Chinery's two wonderful books, The Natural History of the Garden (ISBN 0-00-219606-9) and Garden Creepie Crawlies (ISBN 0-905483-44-8) are both worth looking out for in second-hand book shops or through the internet.
While the triple murder is now raising questions about the world of goths, Meaghan Allen, a 20-year-old Winnipeg woman who goes by the name Creepie Kitty, says goth culture is not about violence.
She may be the only contestant the creepie crawlies actually run from.
There are so many different kinds it would take too long to list them all, though some of the better known include a creepie, a low stool found in Scottish churches dating from the late 17th century, a faldstool that has scrolled ends for siting in a window recess and a kneeler, which is basically a hassock.
CREEPIE CRAWLIES Megan Stephenson, left, and Claudia Elliott; right, Adam Stephenson BUNNY STORY Lily Masters reading with one of the rabbits at Seven Stories yesterday HANDLE WITH CARE Louise McCallum with a snake
They love getting dirty and being disgusted by worms and creepie crawlies!."
Discovery Kids launched its new series "Growing Up Creepie" via a Web site that went online in July, two months prior to its TV debut.
"Pensions can remain at their present low level and we will supply all senior citizens with a weekly supply of creepie crawlies so they will not have to fritter away their money on gruel."
Perhaps they anticipated the enemy would give away their position by singing show tunes, screaming at the sight of creepie crawlies or mincing out of their foxholes, lisping: ``Chase me, chase me!''
Later, when Rusty cut a slice from the loaf, all these creepie crawlies fell out.
As well as these events there will be a visual arts fair in the Rep, projections of giant creepie crawlies by Collective Art Noise in Centenary Square, a video installation on Birmingham in the Bank Restaurant and a chance to catch up with the Revolution and After Dark events on the Rep's video wall.