crash program

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Noun1.crash program - a rapid and intense course of training or research (usually undertaken in an emergency); "he took a crash course in Italian on his way to Italy"; "his first job was a crash course in survival and in learning how to get along with people"; "a crash programme is needed to create new jobs"
course of study, curriculum, syllabus, programme, program - an integrated course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Haiti's Prime Minister Jean-Henry Ceant on Saturday promised a crash program to create jobs in poor neighborhoods after a tense week marred by violence and protests against the government.
But Lacson said he believes the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the PNP can device a crash program to hasten the training for additional troops.
Meantime, as per handout issued from the CM House, Karachi the Chief Minister has directed secretary health and commissioner Karachi to launch crash program for anti polio campaign in eleven mostaffected union councils of Karachi after Aashura.
Implementation of the crash program is not up to expectation.
Much of the Kingdom may have become a pulsing construction site, but there is surely sufficient extra capacity left over to allow the building of proper school buildings as part of a crash program to catch up with the shortage?
"Iran can, under a crash program, raise its crude oil output by at least one million barrels per day in less than three months by applying Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques," Director for Research and Technology at NIOC Mohammad Ali Emadi said on Tuesday.
But diplomatic and economic pressure could also force Iran to adopt a crash program (as was started in Iraq after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990), which would test Clapper's assertion that the United States would discover such an advance, known as a "breakout," in time.
Summary: Israel's prime minister offered a crash program to speed up housing construction Tuesday in an effort to defuse a growing wave of protests that has brought about a sharp drop in his approval ratings.
This project is part of the Indonesian government's second 10,000MW accelerated electricity development program (the CRASH Program II).
We were told there was a desperate need for a crash program to regain superiority over the USSR.
Around 40 days ago Iran stopped the export of petrochemical products following the implementation of a crash program to boost gasoline production in domestic petrochemical units.