crap game

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Noun1.crap game - playing crapscrap game - playing craps        
craps - a gambling game played with two dice; a first throw of 7 or 11 wins and a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses and a first throw of any other number must be repeated to win before a 7 is thrown, which loses the bet and the dice
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crap game

n (US) → Würfelspiel nt (mit zwei Würfeln)
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References in classic literature ?
They were worked in the yards all the seven days of the week, and they had their prize fights and crap games on Sunday nights as well; but then around the corner one might see a bonfire blazing, and an old, gray-headed Negress, lean and witchlike, her hair flying wild and her eyes blazing, yelling and chanting of the fires of perdition and the blood of the "Lamb," while men and women lay down upon the ground and moaned and screamed in convulsions of terror and remorse.
Nathan runs a famous floating crap game and an ongoing plot line involves his quest for a safe place for the game as Adelaide continues her quest to convince him to marry her.
While Sky works his charms on a wary Sarah, Nathan is doing his best to avoid the clutches of his long-suffering fiancee, Miss Adelaide, while all the time trying to find a place to hold his floating crap game and stay under the radar of the local police department.
The story is set in the 50s and revolves around a floating crap game organised by Nathan Detroit - played by Frank Sinatra in the movie.
Here we find showgirl Miss Adelaide, the long-suffering fiancee of Nathan Detroit, who is more interested in finding the money to pay for a dive to house his floating crap game, than in making an honest woman out of her.
The show wins out, however, a lively tale of gamblers trying to arrange an illegal dice game (or the "floating crap game" as it is described) and managing to undertake some romancing on the side.
5 GUYS AND DOLLS (1955) THE Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game in New York provides the setting for music, comedy and romance for Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra and Jean Simmons.
And I know the betting in this floating crap game was that I was going to cash out.
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Hilltop Theatre Company present this popular musical which is set in New York and tells the story of a gambler who is challenged to take a cold female missionary to Havana, but they fall for each other, and the bet has a hidden motive to finance a crap game.
Paul Bickerton sparkles in the role of the crafty rolling crap game organiser, Nathan Detroit, while Helen Figures proves a real hoot as the squeakyvoiced Miss Adelaide.
After he got paid on Friday, he would take his pay and head to the Friday night crap game that was held behind the local garage, where he would proceed to lose his money.