crank bait

crank bait

Any of various fishing lures designed to attract fish by the motion they make as they are being reeled in.

[crank + bait.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Our diver version is the only deep crank bait that let's you do tricks like 'walk the dog.' Twitch it at deep levels and it gives an irresistible, lifelike action.
A top water plug, crank bait or live shad fished in these areas often produces strikes from these fish that may weigh 5 pounds or 25 pounds.
He feels he can still improve on his deep-diving crank bait techniques.
"I was at Lake Chauncy working on my crank bait game when a tiger muskie grabbed the plug," Brown said yesterday.
Oddly enough, the crank bait brought in two small yellow perch - one off a point at the entrance to the cove where the dam is, and the other from a dock along the west shore.
We also like to cast blade baits and crank baits up on flats near stumps.
Grab a bunch of deep diving crank baits, plastic worms or jigging spoons and start fishing.
Experienced local anglers fish a lot with spoons (Effzet) and crank baits and either troll or cast out to middle river rocks.
Pete Gluszek, the dean of the Bass University, will talk largemouths, spinner baits, chatter baits and crank baits along with pro bass angler John Crews, winner of the 2010 Elite Series event in California, and Bassmaster pro Mark Burgess, who will teach us how to choose the right color bait.
Another winning trait of these prolific predators is that they will eat just about anything--shrimp, menhaden, croakers, pinfish, bull minnows, small finger mullet and a variety of soft plastics, top water plugs, and crank baits. Fly-anglers can also reap the benefits of the trout's veracious appetite.
Conway said he "threw every single thing in my tackle box--buzz baits, tubes, worms, and spinner and crank baits. I fished a multitude of different areas, from heavy vegetation to no vegetation.
Live bait and lures such as twister jigs, deep-running crank baits and rattle traps are good bets.