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People who practice a craft; artisans.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ˈkrɑːftspiːpəl] nplartisans mpl
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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This fair, due to last till March 31, is organised at the initiative of the National Handicrafts Office (ONA) and is one of the major national events in the handicrafts sector, annually bringing together hundreds of craftspeople and creators from the country's different regions.
ONE organisation that does support craftspeople in the Jewellery Quarter is QEST (Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust).
The artisan mall will be tenanted by craftspeople and makers, and link to a national network with outlets in London and Birmingham.
More specifically, the Triple A facility incorporates flow lines where artificial intelligence vehicles transport product parts between work stations manned by up to 5,000 craftspeople. Craftspeople with different skills are seated together to secure a smooth process flow and improve productivity and quality.
"AlexBank is sponsoring over 3,500 craftspeople around the republic, especially in Qena, Sohag, and Sinai--the areas with most artisans," she explained.
The commissioner assured the craftspeople that the government would fully patronise their art and skills so that they could support their families.
The designer says it is a formal ratification of the invaluable skills of Indias master weavers and craftspeople. "This award is much more than a personal validation of my work in the indigenous, organic textiles sector and my environmental concerns in producing textiles that leave the smallest carbon footprint.
Such boundless luxury will be enhanced through a suite of features only the designers, craftspeople and artisans at the Home of Rolls-Royce can imagine and create.
These stories offer lessons to fellow aspiring craftspeople and provides an inviting set of inspections into not the craft of woodworking, but the art of centering one's attention to allow creative forces to blossom.
A century later, as New Hampshire's economy tumbled in the Great Depression, New Hampshire craftspeople and a visionary governor came together to use our artistic vitality to rebuild the economy.
Put together by a not-for-profit NGO established in 1981, Dastkar, the bazaar aims at helping craftspeople regain their place in the economic mainstream, in a country where craft is second only to agriculture in providing employment.