

a formal request for legal action submitted to a court by a respondent who has received a petition
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The amended language in this subdivision is intended to prohibit a counterpetition from being automatically dismissed if a notice of dismissal is filed regarding the original petition.
In his counterpetition, Lee accused Pag Ibig of reneging on its contractual obligations as a result of the alleged loan irregularities.
One counterpetition proposes to "Deport Everyone That Signed A Petition To Withdraw Their State From The United States of America." But, given the degree of enmity toward the election results that's been displayed by some right-wing elements, it's a good bet that at least a small minority of Texans wish their state would drop out of the United States.
A few days later, he signed the counterpetition Vince had drafted.
At the same press conference, another local Socialist figure, the MEP Catherine Trautmann, former mayoress and minister, launched into a comment resembling a slogan: "A popular vote is worth more than a petition," alluding to the petition by MEPs for the Belgian capital to become the single headquarters of the European Parliament, and to the counterpetition launched to demand the opposite.
From France came a counterpetition, signed by "180 personalities of the intellectual world," accusing the full-spectrum advocates of staging a violent anti-Freud witch hunt.
On the other hand, James' basis for his counterpetition for annulment was "psychological incapacity," which would have retained the legitimacy of Bimby, she said.
12.903(c)(1), Answer to Petition and Counterpetition for Dissolution of Marriage with Dependent or Minor Child(ren);
After being served with a petition or counterpetition, the other party has 20 days to file a response.