couch surf

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Related to couch surf: Airbnb

couch surf

or couch-surf  (kouch′sûrf′)
intr.v. couch surfed, couch surf·ing, couch surfs or couch-surfed or couch-surf·ing or couch-surfs Slang
1. To stay as a guest at another's house or at various houses in succession, especially when sleeping on a sofa or on the floor.
2. To engage in sedentary activities such as watching television.

couch surfer, couch′-surf′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Nearly 50 per cent would allow a friend to couch surf with them indefinitely, and a fifth would even donate a kidney to a friend in need.
How long could we couch surf? What would we miss the most?
The lucky ones couch surf with friends or relatives, or find cots in emergency shelters filled with dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of other homeless people.
Partnering with public school and municipal officials and local businesses, the project aims to provide assistance to "unaccompanied youth"--high-schoolers who lack a stable place to live and must sleep in parks, "couch surf," double up in friends' homes and resort to other means to get by day to day.
For us it gave us the opportunity to couch surf. We just spent half an hour during breakfast time on the couch surfing website to figure out our next day's accommodation.
Mr McGuinness said: "We are now faced with a catastrophe where, nine months on from the tragic death of Jonathan Corrie in front of Leinster House, the numbers who are rough sleeping have grown despite the provision of 207 extra beds over Christmas last year." He warned the figures the charity g records are an absolute minimum as they do not take into account "hidden homeless" people who stay in squats, hospital waiting rooms, B&Bs or couch surf at friends' properties.
Without a place of their own, the young people live with friends and couch surf, Reiman said.
With the couple forced to couch surf at separate addresses while looking for new digs, the film offers a heartbreaking look at a couple forced apart, not to mention startling performances from the leads and co-star Marisa Tomei.
With the pair forced to couch surf at separate addresses while looking for new digs, the film offers a heartbreaking look at a couple forced apart.