convalescent home

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Related to convalescent home: skilled nursing facility

convalescent home

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References in classic literature ?
I had been invalided home from the Front; and, after spending some months in a rather depressing Convalescent Home, was given a month's sick leave.
An appreciative listener is always stimulating, and I described, in a humorous manner, certain incidents of my Convalescent Home, in a way which, I flatter myself, greatly amused my hostess.
"Does your ladyship mean the committee meeting of the Samaritan Convalescent Home? The members, as I understand it, are to decide to-day which of the plans for the new building they are to adopt.
I propose two concepts, the "convalescent home" and the "nursing home", which were once uniquely valuable to meet a particular level of need, for physical and mental health, avoiding some of the dangers of treating lonely people in their homes.
THE owner of a former convalescent home damaged in a huge fire on Sunday night says he will continue with plans to develop the site following the blaze.
This group of women could be nurses - this photo was found next to another advertising a convalescent home, in Woolton
In 1917 it became a convalescent home, taking patients from Dudley Road Hospital, Selly Oak Hospital and the Public Assistance Department.
'As Straw Before the Wind,' by Felix Racelis, depicts the life of a Filipina nurse and owner/operator of a San Gabriel Valley convalescent home. As the nurse, Nene Santos, tries to expand her business, which she plans to leave to her daughter, she recalls turning points in her life, including a harrowing experience during World War II that led to a family secret.
His detractors would insist Allardyce's preferred style of football would see ex-Newcastle beanpole Andy Carroll brought out of his convalescent home to spearhead England's new long-ball attack!
9, 1970: A fire at a convalescent home in Marietta, Ohio, with no sprinklers or smoke alarms killed 31 of the 46 patients.
In the passing years the grand old building went through a number of tenants, including American airmen, military hospital, veterans convalescent home, and government reception centre.
A FORMER seaside convalescent home described as an "architectural gem" has reopened after a successful protest against its closure.