control board

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Noun1.control board - electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devicescontrol board - electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices; "he checked the instrument panel"; "suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree"
dashboard, fascia - instrument panel on an automobile or airplane containing dials and controls
electrical device - a device that produces or is powered by electricity
idiot light - a colored warning light on an instrument panel (as for low oil pressure)
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Without examining him further, I ran forward to the control board and pressed the starting button.
He who had first spoken turned toward the man who squatted before the control board.
The Provincial Secretary Health directed to the provincial Drug Control Board officials to discharge their duties in befitting manner as important responsibility rests with them and they should not sustain any pressure while performing their duties.
For the purpose, the Secretary Quality Control Board can be approached on telephone No.
Chairman of NGT Justice RS Rathore, while posting the matter to May 24, directed the Central Pollution Control Board and Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board to form a team to conduct a joint inspection in the plant.
'They include laxity in inaugurating the Tobacco Control Board, failure to set up a Tobacco Control Fund, regularisation and enforcement of the shisha ban, and poor coordination of Tobacco Control at MoH,' Gitali said.
Amanullah, Secretary Regional Control Board, Senior Drug Inspector Shamsuddin, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Naseebullah Kakar, Assistant Commissioner Killa Abdullah District Jahanzeb Shekh, District Health Officer (DHO) Quetta, Dr.
She started a petition on to get residents of Niagara Falls to sign to request from the governor a control board for Niagara Falls.
Court also ordered that the price of sugarcane may be fixed by the Sugarcane Control Board shall be notified by the Government of Sindh before 30th November 2018 positively.
Volkswagen India, a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG (Xetra: VW), has been directed by the National Green Tribunal to deposit INR1bn to the Environment Ministry's Central Pollution Control Board.
The same bench directed the provincial authorities to set up a sugar cane control board as required under the Sugar Factories Control Act 1950, within 10 days and to immediately convene a meeting of the board to fix the sugar cane price.
The board issued warning to 17 others on petty nature of violations, one case was referred to provincial quality control board while 16 other cases were still pending, says an official release.