contamination control

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contamination control

Procedures to avoid, reduce, remove, or render harmless (temporarily or permanently) nuclear, biological, and chemical contamination for the purpose of maintaining or enhancing the efficient conduct of military operations. See also biological agent; biological ammunition; biological defense; biological environment; biological threat; chemical agent; chemical ammunition; chemical, biological, and radiological operation; chemical defense; chemical environment; contamination.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The conference will feature key opinion leaders from all areas of the pharmaceutical, biological and cleanroom industry to explore the current topics within cleanroom design and engineering, best practices and regulation, environmental and contamination control, and pharmaceutical microbiology.
Focusing on the priority given contamination control in responses to food-borne illness, Hyde explores the way that the need to control food-borne illness influences the way in which information is collected, and how this impacts formal responses to an illness incident.
Total Contamination Control helps Texhong Group, China to be recognized in a new market.
Contec is a leading manufacturer of contamination control products for critical cleaning in manufacturing environments worldwide.
Its consulting services comprise contamination control, validation services, development of microbiology protocols and SOPs, microbiology education and training seminars, and autoclave sterilisation services.
PetroChoice distributes a product offering of lubricants, coolants, metalworking fluids, equipment, auto-lube and filtration systems, and contamination control devices.
Contamination control in this setting was primarily limited to a large number of physical separation measures.
While injection moulding is highly effective for both manufacturing, labelling and packaging applications, users of the technology need to take into account the fact that static electricity can have an effect on contamination control by attracting dust and dirt that can have an adverse effect on the overall quality of a product.
It re-affirms the crucial role laundry equipment can have in contamination control.
Jeddah-based Zahid Learning Center (ZLC) has been certified as a Caterpillar Five Star Contamination Control Facility.

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