construction industry

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: industry - an industry that builds housingconstruction industry - an industry that builds housing  
industry - the people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise; "each industry has its own trade publications"
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construction industry

nedilizia, industria edile
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Construction to grow into a P130-trillion industry under new 2030 roadmap !-- -- Louella Desiderio (The Philippine Star) - April 2, 2019 - 12:00am MANILA, Philippines The construction industry is aiming to grow its contribution to the economy to P130 trillion by 2030 under its newly launched roadmap.
KARACHI -- The three-day 14th Build Asia - 2018, mega event of construction industry, will kick off from December 15.
ISLAMABAD -- Arif Yousaf Jeewa, Chairman, Association of Builders and Developers (ABAD) said that the construction industry was playing key role in the economic development of the country, but lamented that the government in the new budget has provided no relief to this important industry.
Islamabad -- Chairman of the Association of Builders and Developers (ABAD), Arif Yousaf Jeewa, said that the government in the new budget has not provided any relief to the construction industry though this important industry is playing key role in the economic development.
ISLAMABAD -- The construction industry is playing a key role in the economic development of the country, but the government has provided no relief to this industry in the new budget, lamented Association of Builders and Developers (ABAD) Chairman Arif Yousaf Jeewa.
ISLAMABAD -- Association of Builders and Developers (ABAD) on Monday said that government has not provided any relief to the construction industry in the budget, as the construction industry is playing key role in the economic development of the country.
LEADING accountants Moore Stephens have launched a partnership with the team behind a new programme influencing generations of young people to be part of the construction industry.
[USPRwire, Wed Jan 13 2016] This report is the result of Timetric's extensive market research covering the sewage infrastructure construction industry in Denmark.
[ClickPress, Wed Jul 24 2013] "Global Construction Survey 2013-2014: Market Trends, Marketing Spend and Sales Strategies in the Global Construction Industry" is a new report by Timetric that analyzes how media spend, marketing, sales strategies, practices and business planning are set to change in the global construction industry during 2013-2014.
9 -- To recognize and honor the valuable contributions and work of Indian Construction fraternity that has significantly enriched the construction domain and has helped bring about a change in our construction practices, Construction Industry Development Council every year instituted CIDC Vishwakarma Awards.

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