confidential information

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Noun1.confidential information - an indication of potential opportunity; "he got a tip on the stock market"; "a good lead for a job"
counseling, counselling, guidance, counsel, direction - something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
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(being then ignorant of these usages) was for hurrying on board in a breathless state, immediately; but receiving private and confidential information that the boat would certainly not start until Friday, April the First, we made ourselves very comfortable in the mean while, and went on board at noon that day.
The company can ask a court to enter an injunction to enforce a non-competition agreement, and require the return of confidential information and company property.
An employer could bring a High Court claim against an individual - and seek an injunction to prevent further misuse of the information - if they believe an ex-employee has taken and misused confidential information in breach of express or implied contractual terms.
Summary: Rabat - The Justice Minister ordered the suspension of two magistrates, members of the Higher Magistracy Council, for disclosing confidential information about the results of the latest Council's session, a statement of the Justice Ministry said on Thursday.
Biotechnology company OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:OSIP) has entered into a non-disclosure agreement with Astellas Pharma Inc, allowing Astellas to review certain confidential information related to OSI, the company reported on Monday.
The employer had a rule that prohibited the intentional disclosure of confidential information to unauthorized individuals.
The ATO alleges that Ginn obtained confidential information about the public tender from a private consultant who had assisted the ATO in preparing the most efficient organization (MEO), in violation of statutory procurement integrity provisions.
A recent report suggests employers may be losing much more sensitive and confidential information than they imagine.
Summary: More than 40 construction companies could face legal action over claims that they bought confidential information about their workers.
DataBreach covers liabilities arising from breaches of a company's duty to protect confidential information, whether on a Web site, network, the hard drive of a laptop, or in a paper file.
Northumbria Police are simply the latest organisation to have found this out the hard way by emailing out confidential information.
Rule 1.6 of the American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that we have an ethical obligation to "hold inviolate" a client's confidential information.

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