confectioner's shop

confectioner's shop



(Cookery) a sweet shop
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Entering at last, he walked through the confectioner's shop to the back room, which was a sort of pastry-cook restaurant, merely raising his hat to the young lady who was serving there.
"I have often wondered," he said, "why there was a kind of a Christian air about this one confectioner's shop."
He married a woman who keeps a confectioner's shop in the Rue des Lombards, for he's a lad who was always fond of sweetmeats; he's now a citizen of Paris.
And there was one of them turned out of a confectioner's shop the other day.
Police quickly traced the van back to the confectioner's shop he owned on Stanley Road in Quinton but there was no trace of him in the flat above, and no sign of a disturbance.
They belonged to a woman who worked in a confectioner's shop. The breasts smelled of burnt sugar and icing, their shapes echoed those of the creamfilled chocolates she brought home in white, cardboard boxes.
You can check out Easter sections of confectioner's shop or drugstores and pick up something that fits your budget.
Not only is it decorated with the trendy street artist Banksy's giant rat, but this was the confectioner's shop and home owned by Liverpool's great sailing ship owners, the Baines family.
They ran a fruit, vegetable and confectioner's shop there until 1951, when they returned to Huddersfield.
Whether you have found yourself ogling the assortment of gourmet truffles at a confectioner's shop or grabbing the nearest candy bar in the supermarket checkout aisle, you know that cravings for chocolate demand immediate satisfaction.
Or visit a confectioner's shop for ideas, then create a mouth-watering mix to spread beneath your tree.