conditioned reflex

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Related to conditioned reflex: conditioned response
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.conditioned reflex - an acquired response that is under the control of (conditional on the occurrence of) a stimulusconditioned reflex - an acquired response that is under the control of (conditional on the occurrence of) a stimulus
learned reaction, learned response - a reaction that has been acquired by learning
conditioned avoidance, conditioned avoidance response - a conditioned response that anticipates the occurrence of an aversive stimulus
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So when reader Atty Hanandas Garcia Estrogen III,@mredsleftleg,asked yesterday onTwitter"So who is in charge now?" we replied as if by conditioned reflex: "NOBODY." What about President Duterte?, somebody behind us asked.
In the case of Breuer, the power of transference as it is displayed in psychotherapy, and in the case of Twitmyer, the conditioned reflex phenomenon in behavioral research.
The psychological paradigm here is "the objective, stimulus-response psychology of behaviourism, conditioned reflex in particular, which Watson had adapted from Pavlov as an explanation of the organism's capacity to learn from experience and thereby become better adapted to its environment" (57).
While I was training for the duck search in the utility test, I followed your suggestions pretty closely and made sure I understood how Pavlov's experiment of conditioned reflex worked and how this applied to Blitz.
ynce also underlined that education should the given in schools from kindergarten to university to create a conditioned reflex in individuals to environmental issues.
We failed to notice this positive aspect in our moment of anger, which was in fact the result of a conditioned reflex associated with our past experiences of officials ambushing any cultural event with a mere stroke of the pen.
The principal problem in healing enuresis with suggestions in hypnosis is to establish a conditioned reflex of awakening to the stimulation of the bladder sphincter when the bladder is full of urine.
(77-8) The flatness of television, its subtraction of a shared intersubjective space for audience response and interaction, engenders a kind of narcosis or stupefaction in the same way that the familiarity of its generic routine dulls the synapses and conditions and enervates our imaginative reflexes (and television increasingly depends upon the conditioned reflex of canned laughter).
In his laboratory experiments with dogs he discovered what is generally called the conditioned reflex (or conditional reflex).
The method provides a "conditioned reflex" effect conducive to a positive outcome for labor and delivery by enhancing the patient's sense of readiness and control.
What D is the type of animal that Pavlov used to test his theory of the conditioned reflex?

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