computer intrusion detection

computer intrusion detection

The process of identifying that a computer intrusion has been attempted, is occurring, or has occurred.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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This paper introduces the definition as well as the functions of data intrusion detection and also puts forward the problems existing in computer intrusion detection technology, with the introduction of the common DM ways and technology.
From the perspective of defense, the functions of computer intrusion detection technology are as follows: firstly, it can examine the weak links of the entire computer system; secondly, it can monitor all the operations in the computer in real time; thirdly, it can analyzed all kinds of abnormal behaviors deeply and react correspondingly; fourthly, it can record every abnormal behavior, which will offer a basis for the following detection, thereby enforces the safety protection of the computer (Oliker N., Ohar Z., Ostfeld A., 2016).
The Problems Existing in the Computer Intrusion Detection Technology
Anderson [1] first pointed out the computer Intrusion Detection (ID) problem in 1972.
Papers from a May 2005 symposium reflect the latest work in computer intrusion detection, sensor networks, access control and authentication, integrity, cryptography and protocols, and worms and network forensics.
Little was done to evaluate computer intrusion detection systems (IDSs) prior to the evaluations conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory under the sponsorship of the DARPA in 1998.
A computer intrusion detection system (IDS) is concerned with recognizing whether an intrusion is being attempted into a computer system.
Inventing and refining computer intrusion detection (ID) techniques is an ongoing research problem at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which has sponsored over 20 different projects at various companies and universities.
The funding proposals include US$500m for research and development efforts to safeguard networks, installation of computer intrusion detection networks at US federal agencies, the establishment of information sharing and analysing centres, which will enable the US government to provide the private industry with threat information and a programme that will allow government agencies to recruit highly-skilled computer science experts to respond to computer network attacks.
* The 1997 AAAI Workshop on AI Approaches to Fraud Detection and Risk Management brought together over 50 researchers and practitioners to discuss problems of fraud detection, computer intrusion detection, and risk scoring.
The purpose of the workshop was to gather researchers and practitioners working in the areas of risk management, fraud detection, and computer intrusion detection. We sought participants to discuss and explore common issues in the application of AI technologies to these problems, share their experiences in deploying AI approaches and techniques, and develop a deeper understanding of both the complexity of the problems and the effectiveness of various solutions.
Using the audit reduction and search capabilities of the company's computer intrusion detection system (IDS) software, the manager discovered that the one user's account was being used by four people, which was against security policy.
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