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1. a bin or other container used to turn garden and kitchen waste into compost
2. a person who uses a bin or other container to turn garden and kitchen waste into compost
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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FROM eco-friendly home composters to super quick pizza ovens and inventive garden lighting, Hannah Stephenson looks at some of the finalists for the RHS Chelsea Product of the Year title: Obelisk Composter and Obelisk (PS39 composter, PS59 obelisk, A GALVANISED steel compost bin which you put directly on your flower bed or vegetable patch, and an elegant obelisk which goes over it.
FROM eco-friendly home composters to super-quick pizza ovens and inventive garden lighting, Hannah Stephenson looks at some of the finalists for the RHS Chelsea Product of the Year title: Obelisk Composter and Obelisk (PS39 composter, PS59 obelisk, A GALVANISED steel compost bin which you put directly on your flower bed or vegetable patch, and an elegant obelisk which goes over it.
Urine harvesting, needle rusher and household composter are innovations in the field of environmental engineering that could be adopted and utilised by the general public today but have been hindered by cultural inhibitions and funding.
All you need is a bucket to collect your kitchen waste, a composter -- which can be a big box -- a fork to turn the compost and preferably a shredder.
NEW YORK -- Composting and collecting kitchen scraps, once the province of those with gardens or space for a big, pungent, outdoor composter, is now being embraced by a growing number of apartment-dwellers.
Kitty Werner, a master composter in rural Waitsfield, Vt., accumulates gallons of kitchen waste in large paper shopping bags she keeps on her deck during winter.
3 -- Aqua Designs- The Total Water Management Engineering Company today launched "BIOLAN" - An Eco-friendly food composter from Finland.
"Since I have been given a great composter, I'll have to consider saving the shells and using them in the composter."--Nebraska Dave, via
Tarrytown, NY, May 01, 2012 --( The Suffolk Salvation Army Corps is making environmental history in Virginia by installing an A500 Rocket[R] model food composter, becoming the first Salvation Army soup kitchen in the nation to use this cutting-edge technology.
(Kaity is working toward a Master Composter Certificate.
Durham County Council established its master composter scheme in May 2009 to educate people on the advantages of composting and ensure less waste is sent to landfill.