composite photograph

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composite photograph

(Photography) a photograph formed by superimposing two or more separate photographs
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

composite photograph

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References in classic literature ?
C., which collates and makes composite photographs of them for the instruction of captains.
Many users accompanied it with a composite photograph of prominent journalists and TV anchors, some of whom regularly criticise the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the powerful military establishment.
Many users accompanied it with a composite photograph of prominent journalists and TV anchors, some of whom regularly criticise the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the powerful military establishment.
Photo Montage is the process of making a composite photograph by cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping two or more photographs into a new image.
This is reflected in my composite photograph of a model of Dubailand in the book, which is the largest model I have ever seen.
Judy Dater, Positive composite photograph (from Memoir) (2012), archival pigment print, 20" x 24".
Reading the winter issue of Manitoba History, I noticed on page 32 a reproduced composite photograph of City of Winnipeg officials in 1880.
( NASA released the composite photograph of the star Thursday, detailing the significance of the image's brilliant colors.
Her discussion of the composite photograph as a kind of"virtual reality or 'image' ...
Table 1 Usage of college of nursing class composite photograph collection: November 2009-June 2010 Month and year Item views Collection rank * November 2009 800 10 December 2009 1,118 7 January 2010 2,544 2 June 2010 3,872 4 * Rank by items viewed in Low Country Digital Library Collection (56 collections total).
Sadly the only output from this truncated session are a movie clip of the comet moving through the background stars (on the website www.hermanusastrono and the attached composite photograph showing the 14.5 magnitude comet's movement relative to the background.
In one striking composite photograph she combines her head and that of a bull in an image which mines both mythological and sexual references.
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