colored person

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Noun1.colored person - a United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive
archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression
Black person, Black - a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)
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References in classic literature ?
I speak advisedly when I say this,--that killing a slave, or any colored person, in Talbot county, Maryland, is not treated as a crime, either by the courts or the community.
"On the flip side,'' Noah adds cheerfully, "you come to South Africa and say to a colored person, 'Excuse me, are you mixed race?' They'll probably be like, 'Your ma's mixed race.' So you must be careful.''
If a colored person can rule the United State of America, why cannot an Albanian be Prime Minister of Macedonia?
This lopsided legal relation between Whites and non-Whites had even come to a point that when a white person killed a black or colored person, irrespective whether the latter was free or enslaved, punishment would usually only consist of a fine.
For over 70 years, the Gallup Organization has been posing the following scenario in their national surveys: "If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be--, would you vote for that person?" It is a sign of changing times that the term has gone from "a colored person" to "Negro" to "black" during that period.
There are those who think if a colored person cares for books it is because they have white blood in their veins somewhere which gives them that taste for learning.
My parents were always supportive of my dance life, but that evening I was greeted with, "If I ever catch you sitting next to a colored person again, that will be the end of your dance career!" That night I cried myself to sleep, never understanding what I had done wrong.
Colored person thwarted, then colored person triumphant.
She traveled from town to town with them learning about baseball and life, the life of a colored person in the South before desegregation, during the Depression.
In 1866 Virginia decreed that "Every person having one-fourth or more Negro blood shall be deemed a colored person, and every person not a colored person having one-fourth or more Indian blood shall be deemed an Indian."