

npl -ties
1. a colloquial style
2. a colloquialism
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
36 examples with arvama 'think': HUMAN, SUBJ question--7 examples of non-identical doubling (mis-kes) NON-HUMAN, SUBJ question--17 examples of identical doubling (mis-mis) NON-HUMAN, OBJ question--11 examples of non-identical doubling (mis-mida), and one (1) example of identical doubling (mis-mis) one example with utlema 'say': HUMAN, SUBJ question: non-identical doubling (mis-kes) In the etTenTen web corpus, where the data largely originates from blog and forum posts as well as from commentaries on news websites, significantly more examples were found, affirming the colloquiality of the phenomenon.
In the De Heriz translation, this becomes "Tuvimos que abandonar el piso de Loomis a toda prisa" (10); while "abandonar" and "a toda prisa" certainly capture the literal meaning of the original, they fail to convey its colloquiality and are more or less dialect-neutral Spanish terms.
The abrupt shift from abstraction to colloquiality mirrors the spontaneity prevalent in contemporary humor.
The net result is, of course, to imbue the translated version with an element of inconsistency in its colloquiality: a discordance which is all the more lamentable given that the invariable authenticity of the narrative idiolect is the cornerstone upon which the artistic edifice is constructed.
There is a linguistic correlate to the fact that silence is less hurtful: Tinkle888's reminder in line 2 to Komfort has a subject-dropped truncated question, a feature that is a mark of colloquiality and informality.
Many currents of twentieth-century thought and art have lost or forgotten this essential canon of "colloquiality."
It can be conceived of as having empowered Clark here, who easily builds textuality into his colloquiality by his access in line seven to the Poundian ampersand, placed in further artful reminder at the point of enjambment - just as his movie title triggers a formal climax as it encapsulates the poem, says goodbye to it, and fills out the longest, by syllable count, of these twelve lines.