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Related to cockneyism: cockneys


(Linguistics) a characteristic of speech or custom peculiar to cockneys
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkɒk niˌɪz əm)

a trait or feature, as of speech, characteristic of or peculiar to cockneys.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
He had apparently once possessed a certain knowledge of English, and his accent was oddly tinged with the cockneyism of the British metropolis.
According to Stewart, when Blackwood's writers labeled Hunt a Cockney, they only revealed their anxieties about their own potential for Cockneyism, lending credence to magazine writer William Hazlitt's claim that they were the "Cockneys of the North" (85).
In Hull's usage, the very word "Cockneyism" refers to the "professional anxiety" (22) caused by the (not complete) anonymity and the commercial and collaborative nature of writing for magazines.
Nineteenth century reporter Pierce Egan feared Ascot could no longer be protected from "the pollution of sheer cockneyism," a blunt dig at racegoers from the East End of London.
And standing apart from her contemporaries, including Maria Edgeworth, and apart too from the tradition of English comedy, both in fiction and on the stage, she has no cockneyism, no clownish country yokels, or comic figures from Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, parading their broad dialects, their rudeness of speech, and clumsy provincial manners.
[a]n incoherent huddle of expensive palls, flags, sheets and gilt emblems and cross poles...." Carlyle was unable to reconcile "this vile ne plus ultra of Cockneyism" with his earlier impression of the old Hero of Waterloo as a man of "graceful simplicity, veracity, and nobleness" (qtd.
Who'd have thought that the house sparrow, that icon of cockneyism, (though Delboy has now probably usurped that title), would now be giving cause for concern?
The Jamie Oliver way but with less fuss and Cockneyisms.
(9) Senelick provides a useful overview of the range of concert venues pre-dating the music hall proper, and the emergence of 'cockneyisms', in his introduction to Tavern Singing in Early Victorian London: The Diaries of Charles Rice for 1840 and 1850, ed.
IN THE days when it was taken as a matter of course that bus drivers were cheeky and the cemetery was the "last stop", he sat at the steering-wheel, his face crumpled beneath a peaked cap, oozing Cockneyisms of the knees-up Mother Brown, Cor Blimey!