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n. coagulopatía, enfermedad o condición que afecta el mecanismo de la coagulación de la sangre.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n coagulopatía
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Many predisposing factors for SHL have been proposed, such as prematurity, very low birth weight, sepsis, hypoxia, pneumothorax, traumatic labor, traumatic umbilical venous catheterization, cerebral hemorrhage, coagulopathy, and exposure to drugs that lead to a bleeding tendency.
It addresses the causes and risk factors for each, the initial and confirmatory diagnostic tests, and treatment options, as well as the basics of blood and its components; the pathophysiology and classification of leukemias; epidemiology; etiology; staging and general management; supportive care; and emergencies like neutropenic sepsis, coagulopathy, tumor lysis syndrome, hyperleukocytosis and leukostasis, differentiation syndrome, and asparaginase-related thromboses.
Patients included were at all stages of the disease, either with only one, or with multiple tumors, with or without metastases, vascular invasion, lymph nodes involved or coagulopathy.
Early coagulopathy in trauma patients: An on-scene and hospital admission study.
A 41-year-old Asian man with no history of systemic disease or coagulopathy visited our emergency room due to right flank colic pain.
Aside from resuscitation and correction of coagulopathy, portal injuries have traditionally been treated with ligation or venorrhaphy (3).
Probable case * One or more of the clinical criteria listed above in a patient with reported use of synthetic cannabinoids in the 3 months preceding illness onset (by patient, proxy, medical record, or health care provider), and laboratory evidence of coagulopathy as measured by meeting the first laboratory criterion listed above, or * One or more of the clinical criteria listed above, and meeting both laboratory criteria listed above, with no other explanation of results.
The patient showed no signs or symptoms of coagulopathy and no relevant changes from baseline in liver function tests.
Current guidelines recommend the use of 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC) over fresh frozen plasma for the emergent correction of coagulopathy in patients with vitamin K antagonist (VKA)-associated major bleeding.
Study of secondary MAS has led to suggested diagnostic criteria; however, those criteria are very similar to the presentation of adult and childhood systemic lupus with cytopenlas, hepatitis, and coagulopathy.