clog dancing

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Related to clog dancing: buck and wing, cloggers, Buck dancing
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.clog dancing - a dance performed while wearing shoes with wooden solesclog dancing - a dance performed while wearing shoes with wooden soles; has heavy stamping steps
tap dance, tap dancing - a dance step tapped out audibly with the feet
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In the afternoon, try out clog dancing (2pm) or hit the silent disco (5pm).
4 Square's trademark show features the spectacle of Nicola Lyons's simultaneous fiddle playing and clog dancing and virtuosic mandolin from Michael Giverin, galvanised by the driving sounds of Jim Molyneux's piano and Dan Day's percussion.
My family were goldminers, so I thought 'wouldn't it be interesting to get the miners clog dancing?' Story-wise I based it on my home town of Ballarat where there was a revolt of miners in the mid-19th century, known as the Eureka Stockade.
Researchers on the BBC1 show make the discovery that, in 1870, Craig's greatgreat-grandfather Harry Macklin Shaw was working on a sheep station by day and spending his free time clog dancing.
There was another world premiere - of a new clog dancing piece performed by Natalie Reid and Grace Smith, who teach a class at the Sage.
And he is a familiar face on the Eisteddfod stage having competed with Adran Bro Taf in clog dancing, folk dancing and reciting competitions for a number of years.
Having grown up clog dancing and won several medals over the years, he decided to add a modern and energetic twist to tradition.
Lantern Theatre, tomorrow and Wednesday, 7.30pm, PS6.50 MUSIC Maddy Prior in Concert A true legend of British music, Maddy Prior performs with her musical partners Giles Lewin and accordion player Hannah James whose clog dancing is an impressive sight demanding to be seen.
"A lot of our folk fans will have seen clog dancers but maybe not as much hip-hop and it's brought in new non-folk audiences who have found that clog dancing isn't boring.
"We're keen for forgotten gems such as Northumbrian rapper sword dancing and clog dancing to make a resurgence and it's great to see the reactions these dance styles have on audiences watching and taking part.
MINUTES before the start of the Chairing Ceremony in the Pavilion, over 210 people took part in the biggest clog dancing event ever held in Wales (see pictures, this page).
The 143rd annual event will include a scarecrow competition; craft marquees, Punch and Judy, archery, clog dancing, falconry, and bale-stacking competition.