clock off

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clock off


clock out

(intr, adverb) to depart from work, esp when it involves registering the time of departure on a card
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.clock off - register one's departure from work
report - announce one's presence; "I report to work every day at 9 o'clock"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
London v Leigh, 8pm LONDON BRONCOS boss Andrew Henderson has urged his side not to clock off early - despite having nothing left to play for.
The 50-year-old then was said to have knocked a clock off the wall, causing it to break, before headbutting the TV.
8DA followed YESTERDAY'S SOLUTIONS WEE THINKER ACROSS: 7 Avocado 9 Visor 10 Nifty 11 Termite 12 Era 13 Rifleman 16 Clock off 17 Lee 19 Chagrin 21 Trevi 22 Piece 23 Skittle DOWN: 1 Launder 2 Golf ball 3 Navy 4 Overleaf 5 Asti 6 Grieg 8 Out of bounds 13 Recorder 14 Ailments 15 Retired 18 Scope 20 Area 21 Trim QUICKIE ACROSS: 1 Earth tremor 8 Sad 9 Wig 11 Trainer 12 Villa 13 Elm 14 Sew 15 Foolish 17 Pat 19 Oily 21 Well 23 Even 25 Glow 27 Not 29 Estuary 31 Eat 34 Are 36 Sleep 37 Stilton 38 Spa 39 Old 40 Starter home DOWN: 1 Earl 2 Adam 3 Tinfoil 4 Thrill 5 Elvis 6 Owls 7 Rile 8 Steep 10 Gawky 16 Hoe 18 Two 20 Inn 22 Ewe 24 Varnish 25 Guess 26 Pursue 28 Trend 30 Super 32 Alps 33 Teat 34 Atom 35 Role
How can the boss tell you're working late if you never clock off?
BRITISH bosses clock off too early and won't muck in during a crisis, claims one of David Cameron's business advisors.
I can't think of any other job where you finish the task, clock off, as it were, and then spend up to 10 minutes helping someone before clocking on and earning money again.
He also asks why those taking coffee breaks aren't also required to clock off.
Director Simon Clark spoke out as Breckland Council, which is based in Dereham, Norfolk, became the latest local authority to consider making workers clock off while they take a cigarette break.
Around 200 have gone already and a further 100 will clock off later this month.
It was the first of a series of six separate stories following six workers at a textile factory - and could be the show that will let Sarah Lancashire clock off from Raquel for good.
Whisking a clock off to Paris may sound glamorous, says Levine, but the transatlantic journeys were really "a lot of work."