clear sailing

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Noun1.clear sailing - easy unobstructed progress; "after we solved that problem the rest was plain sailing"
forward motion, onward motion, advancement, progress, progression, procession, advance - the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"It looked like it was clear sailing for (Chevron) when they made a bid for Anadarko and Anadarko was going to accept it, then Occidental made this competing offer, sort of out of nowhere it seemed like," Carter said.
Once they got past the mini-scare in the third quarter, it was clear sailing.
Eighty-mile-an-hour clear sailing should return in the next week or two on Interstate 84 across the Magic Valley.
* The longer it takes someone else to enter the NH Dem guv primary, the more it looks like Steve Marchand's gonna have clear sailing.
If either of the bills introduced by Wyden and Blumenauer passed, the company would have clear sailing to market its products in the growing list of states that have legalized medical marijuana and/or recreational marijuana. 
Europe's unemployment problem remains severe, but recent jobless claims, participation rates and non-farm payrolls data remind us it's not all clear sailing in the US, either.
The primary winner will have clear sailing in November because no Democrats have filed for the seat.
Some of the students have also expressed clear sailing goals which we will continue to encourage with the support of Oman Sail's founding partner, Rena-issance, who share our vision of creating unique opportunities for the youth."
Some of the students have also expressed clear sailing goals which we will continue to encourage with the support of Oman Sail's founding partner, Renaissance, who share our vision of creating unique opportunities for the youth."
Negotiations are ongoing and Greece will need to pass a raft of laws through parliament endorsing spending cuts, pension savings and tax increase to please their creditors, so it's not all clear sailing quite yet.
The overall trend for all waterborne freight services continues to look like clear sailing with predictable and relatively modest inflation ahead.