classless society

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classless society

A society without divisions according to economic and social status, one of the goals of communism.
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The proposed eco-socialism development perspective, which visualises a true eco-friendly economy and society, can be built only by replacing capitalism with a classless society, he remarked.
I'm not one, I don't think Corbyn is either, but to be accused of sharing its ideology - a desire for a classless society in which everyone gets an equal share of its wealth - is not such a bad insult, I'd argue.
It said the CPK would follow a Marxist-Leninist path towards building a classless society and socialist state.
Only when a classless society gets born with all sectors of the society getting equal respect honour and acknowledgement (if not equal opportunities), only then can the society afford to call itself civilized and enlightened.
Summary: Karunanidhi worked to create a classless society
Clayton ponders how the park came to be associated with values such as patriotism, environmentalism, spirituality, frontier nostalgia, classless society, and American exceptionalism.
'To look at truth in society to move towards a classless society,' he said.
But he did want to change the world, and his goal was equality: the "classless society."
Marx's goal was to reconquer the remaining lost ground (though he would never have put it like that), and create a classless society that lived in absolute equality.
The Khmer Rouge aimed to transform Cambodia into a rural, classless society in which there are no rich, no poor and no exploitation.
The revolutionary socialist worked closely with fellow German Friedrich Engels to develop radical new theories of class struggle, which argued that capitalism would eventually lead to its own downfall and the subsequent rise of a classless society. His most famous works were "The Communist Manifesto" (1848) and "Das Kapital" ("Capital.
LAHORE:Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB) Chairman Siddique-ul-Farooq Thursday said Ambedkar was an economist, jurist, social reformist and politician, who had struggled whole life for a classless society.