

(ˈklɑːtɪ; Scottish ˈklærtɪ)
adj, clartier or clartiest
dialect Scot and Northern English dirty, esp covered in mud; filthy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Curiouser and curiouser, I thocht, and so I took a trip of my ain intae the ancient and somewhat clarty parish records of auld Meikle Wartle tae see if we hid a claim that could trump ab'dy else.
As a result, we went home knackered, clarty, bruised, cut, scuffed, skinned, stinking of smoke and sometimes in tears.
Mark Tuff, 49, from Alnwick, founder of the Clarty Commando's children's charity, was bold enough to ask the next in line to the throne for a selfie.
back), "nesh" (cold, susceptible to cold), "clarty" (very muddy), "sneck"
In the North to 'get clarty' means to get dirty, and my project was all about persuading people to try their hand at various arts activities without worrying too much about the results.
Clarty Cat completed the squelchy 5K course yesterday wearing a Team KB vest in memory of student Kate Bowman.
Clarty in the songs is so vital in G and S, and Ian Grange has pin-sharp diction.
But sitting in the onetime 'Clarty Hole' (mucky spot), and surrounded by an increasing estate, Abbotsford was more than that.
And the animals seem chuffed that their clarty keeper is joining in the fun in their mud wallow at Blair Drummond.
J described the texture of it as 'clarty', which was fine by me.
verses with common words like scunner, clarty, thrawn,