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Related to cinephilia: cinephiles


avid moviegoing. — cinephile, n., adj.
See also: -Phile, -Philia, -Phily
avid moviegoing. — cinephile, n., adj.
See also: Films
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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mixture of glamour and cinephilia, a signature cocktail that has made
Summary: Washington DC [USA], May 15 (ANI): The much awaited Cannes Film Festival began on Tuesday at the Palais des Festivals, France, with an intoxicating mixture of glamour and cinephilia.
The young filmmaker said that the idea accidentally popped into her mind while on a break in a meeting with Bulsu Cinephilia, her organization which is focused in honing the skills of students in photography and filmmaking.
Dead Dog participated in Cinephilia Bound in collaboration with La Maison Des Scenaristes at the Festival de Cannes in 2017.
With "Dead Dog", her upcoming fiction project, she was a participant of Cinephilia Bound in collaboration with La Maison des Scenaristes at the Festival de Cannes in 2017, and is also attending other major film labs.
"Smoke and Mirrors: Cigarettes, Cinephilia, and Reverie in the American Movie Theater." FH 28.3 (2016): 85-113.
Gao (2014), studying Chinese films about media pirates, argued that what he calls "pirate cinephilia" achieves the embodied effect of "pirate-eye." Gao suggested that the viewers of pirated movies gain a kind of mimetic sympathy with both the image and the pirated media that convey it.
De Mille, Ernst Lubitsch, Howard Hawks, Alfred Hitchcock, John Ford, Fritz Lang, Max Ophuls, Douglas Sirk, Raoul Walsh, Jacques Tourneur, Josef von Sternberg, Orson Welles, Nicholas Ray, Samuel Fuller, and Jerry Lewis; the origins and development of auteur cinephilia and examples of films capturing sublime moments; and the changing nature of Hollywood and the auteur from the late 1970s, with the rise of directors like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.
In addition, four grantee projects have been selected for key initiatives at the Marche Du Film (Cannes Film Market); Spring Grant 2015 recipient Alam, The Flag (Palestine, France, Qatar/2017) by Firas Khoury and The Translator (Syria, Jordan, France, Qatar/2017) by Rana Kazkaz and Anas Khalaf screen in the Cinefondation's Atelier; The Maiden's Pond (Lebanon, Germany, Qatar) by Bassem Breche, Fall Grant 2016 recipient and Qumra 2017 project, has been selected to the La Fabrique des Cinemas du Monde, and You Will Die At Twenty by Amjad Abu Alala (Sudan, Egypt, Qatar), a Spring Grants 2016 recipient and Qumra 2017 development project, will be presented at the first edition of the Cinephilia Bound Cannes programme in partnership with the Maison Des Scenaristes.
According to its site, Diaz's triumph signifies that the fest has a 'high degree of cinephilia (love for cinema) ...
As Daney understood, the germ of Schefer's book is what we might properly call cinephilia. This is not cinephilia as it normally understood, an elitist practice cultivated by auteurists.