chronological sequence

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Noun1.chronological sequence - a following of one thing after another in time; "the doctor saw a sequence of patients"
temporal arrangement, temporal order - arrangement of events in time
pelting, rain - anything happening rapidly or in quick successive; "a rain of bullets"; "a pelting of insults"
rotation - a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc.); "crop rotation makes a balanced demand on the fertility of the soil"; "the manager had only four starting pitchers in his rotation"
row - a continuous chronological succession without an interruption; "they won the championship three years in a row"
run - an unbroken chronological sequence; "the play had a long run on Broadway"; "the team enjoyed a brief run of victories"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
According to the press release, the purpose of this scientific field study is to determine chronological sequence of cultural development at this ancient site, which may result in establishing a link with other important sites located in the region between River Chenab and Ravi.
According to a press release issued here on Sunday, the purpose of this scientific field study is to determine chronological sequence of cultural development at this ancient site, which may result in establishing a link with other important sites located in the region between the River Chenab and the River Ravi.
The two-hour film tells the epic real-life story of Aleppo Central Prison which was besieged by terrorist organizations for an entire year before the Syrian Arab Army managed to break the siege, with the film depicting in a chronological sequence the events that transpired since the beginning of the siege until its end, featuring real characters from these events.
The resulting assemblage of examples provides the reader with an impressionistic view of the multifaceted barbarian cultures in chronological sequence. See chapters 1-5.
The Conceptual artist's retrospective at the Walker Art Center, "Intellectual Property 1968-2018," foregrounded his persistent fascination with the American vernacular--its humor, horror, literature, and pop culture--unfurled through a thematic and chronological sequence of galleries, each work is one of a kind, as Ruppersberg once wrote in "Fifty Helpful Hints on the Art of the Everyday," 1985.
In court on Thursday, lead prosecution lawyer Elias Stefanou presented a diagram depicting in chronological sequence the events that transpired, which he said prove beyond a reasonable doubt a deal had been struck between the former deputy attorney-general and the law firm.
Speaking on the occasion, Director Humayun Mazhar said that coins gallery displayed the coins depicting coins history from 6th century BC onwards in a chronological sequence.
The volume thus takes a roughly chronological sequence according to the order in which Bede penned his works, inasmuch as this can be known.
It also helps in providing the chronological sequence of the breaches which have taken place and can actually make you feel secure even when you're not accessing your devices.
The songs are in chronological sequence, and like Wilco's other records, they are best experienced in order.