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 (chûr′əp, chĭr′-)
v. chir·ruped, chir·rup·ing, chir·rups
1. To utter a series of chirps.
2. To make clucking or clicking sounds with the lips, as in urging on a horse.
1. To sound with chirps.
2. To make clucking sounds to.
1. A series of chirps.
2. A series of clucks or clicking sounds, such as those made to urge on a horse.

[Variant of chirp.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (intr)
1. (Zoology) (esp of some birds) to chirp repeatedly
2. to make clucking sounds with the lips
such a sound
[C16: variant of chirp]
ˈchirruper n
ˈchirrupy adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈtʃɪər əp, ˈtʃɜr-)

1. to chirp.
2. the sound of chirruping.
[1570–80; variant of chirp]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: chirrupped
Gerund: chirrupping

I chirrup
you chirrup
he/she/it chirrups
we chirrup
you chirrup
they chirrup
I chirrupped
you chirrupped
he/she/it chirrupped
we chirrupped
you chirrupped
they chirrupped
Present Continuous
I am chirrupping
you are chirrupping
he/she/it is chirrupping
we are chirrupping
you are chirrupping
they are chirrupping
Present Perfect
I have chirrupped
you have chirrupped
he/she/it has chirrupped
we have chirrupped
you have chirrupped
they have chirrupped
Past Continuous
I was chirrupping
you were chirrupping
he/she/it was chirrupping
we were chirrupping
you were chirrupping
they were chirrupping
Past Perfect
I had chirrupped
you had chirrupped
he/she/it had chirrupped
we had chirrupped
you had chirrupped
they had chirrupped
I will chirrup
you will chirrup
he/she/it will chirrup
we will chirrup
you will chirrup
they will chirrup
Future Perfect
I will have chirrupped
you will have chirrupped
he/she/it will have chirrupped
we will have chirrupped
you will have chirrupped
they will have chirrupped
Future Continuous
I will be chirrupping
you will be chirrupping
he/she/it will be chirrupping
we will be chirrupping
you will be chirrupping
they will be chirrupping
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been chirrupping
you have been chirrupping
he/she/it has been chirrupping
we have been chirrupping
you have been chirrupping
they have been chirrupping
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been chirrupping
you will have been chirrupping
he/she/it will have been chirrupping
we will have been chirrupping
you will have been chirrupping
they will have been chirrupping
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been chirrupping
you had been chirrupping
he/she/it had been chirrupping
we had been chirrupping
you had been chirrupping
they had been chirrupping
I would chirrup
you would chirrup
he/she/it would chirrup
we would chirrup
you would chirrup
they would chirrup
Past Conditional
I would have chirrupped
you would have chirrupped
he/she/it would have chirrupped
we would have chirrupped
you would have chirrupped
they would have chirrupped
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.chirrup - a series of chirpschirrup - a series of chirps      
sound - the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"
Verb1.chirrup - make high-pitched soundschirrup - make high-pitched sounds; "the birds were chirping in the bushes"
let loose, let out, utter, emit - express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words); "She let out a big heavy sigh"; "He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand"
chitter, twitter - make high-pitched sounds, as of birds
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


vi (= chirp) [person, bird] → pépier
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in classic literature ?
Kitty bent down to him, he gave her a beaming smile, propped his little hands on the sponge and chirruped, making such a queer little contented sound with his lips, that Kitty and the nurse were not alone in their admiration.
Then the twins crumbled their bread on the ground, and the wrens pecked it, and chirruped and chirped.
He chirruped, and then complacently continued: "My wives at this moment receiving the sound of one of my voices, closely followed by the other, and perceiving that the latter reaches them after an interval in which sound can traverse 6.457 inches, infer that one of my mouths is 6.457 inches further from them than the other, and accordingly know my shape to be 6.457 inches.
you couldn't see it!) that if it had then and there burst itself like an overcharged gun, if it had fallen a victim on the spot, and chirruped its little body into fifty pieces, it would have seemed a natural and inevitable consequence, for which it had expressly laboured.
And I seen all them millions this afternoon when them seven hundred dollars peeped up at me from the bottom of the pan and chirruped, 'Well, if here ain't Burning Daylight come at last.'"
At the approach of spring the red squirrels got under my house, two at a time, directly under my feet as I sat reading or writing, and kept up the queerest chuckling and chirruping and vocal pirouetting and gurgling sounds that ever were heard; and when I stamped they only chirruped the louder, as if past all fear and respect in their mad pranks, defying humanity to stop them.
Wherever he went the Sparrows chirruped, and said to each other, "What a distinguished stranger!" so he enjoyed himself very much.
Also at Wembley, Lisa Riley spoke for us all as her chorus of Spice Up Your Life filled the packed arena: "I've dreamed of this all my life!" "It's like coming home," chirruped Nicky from Westlife.
"Lend me a fiver and I'll bring you one, too," he chirruped, while The King Brothers were advising chaps unable to pull to try Standing On The Corner and letch instead.
"Knitting needles at the ready," it chirruped. "You can now create woolly versions of Kate Middleton, Prince William and all the Windsors, including the Queen's corgis, thanks to Fiona Goble's cute new book, Knit Your Own Royal Wedding (The Ivy Press 9.99)."
"THESE could be your grandparents!" chirruped Anna Richardson as she introduced a squirming, squealing class of teenagers to five naked pensioners.
He chirruped away merrily about 50 Cent's new album, "bigging him up" to high heaven, patting the gangsta' rapper fondly on the leg.