chemist's shop

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chemist's shop

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.chemist's shop - a retail shop where medicine and other articles are soldchemist's shop - a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold
pharmacopoeia - a collection or stock of drugs
shop, store - a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services; "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
"If you please, sir, do you know where I can find a chemist's shop open at this time of night?"
Here we have glimpses of him, a sorry figure in rusty black and tarnished gold, his pockets stuffed with papers, now assisting in a chemist's shop, now practicing as a doctor among those as poor as himself, now struggling to get a footing in the realm of literature, now passing his days miserably as an usher in a school.
On his way home, on the evening he set aside for this momentous purpose, he took the precaution of stepping into a chemist's shop and buying a bottle of the very strongest smelling-salts.
Wragge watched her from the window and saw that she took the direction of the chemist's shop.
Wragge to procure a remedy; she left the house after breakfast, in the direction of the chemist's shop, exactly as she had left it on the morning before.
Then, traversing with the decided step of one who remembered the way well, several dark and dirty streets--much dirtier than usual, for the best public thoroughfares remained uncleansed in those times of terror--he stopped at a chemist's shop, which the owner was closing with his own hands.
In this amusement they all took part by turns, except three or four fortunate individuals, who, having discovered a grating in the gate, which commanded a view of nothing, stared through it with the indefatigable perseverance with which people will flatten their noses against the front windows of a chemist's shop, when a drunken man, who has been run over by a dog- cart in the street, is undergoing a surgical inspection in the back-parlour.
Much improved in that respect, and with certain half-formed images which had little gold in their composition, dancing before her bright eyes, she arrived in the drug-flavoured region of Mincing Lane, with the sensation of having just opened a drawer in a chemist's shop.
In order to control this disorderly race of thought he forced himself to read the name on the chemist's shop directly opposite him; then to examine the objects in the shop windows, and then to focus his eyes exactly upon a little group of women looking in at the great windows of a large draper's shop.
Dr Ahmed's wallet, which contained Rs25,000, cheques, ATM cards and his identification cards, including his driving licence, was stolen from a chemist's shop in Blue Area, the police said, adding that the doctor had put his wallet on the counter when he came in.
A MAN "wielding a hammer" attempted to rob a Wirral chemist's shop.
From cure-alls and Codd bottles to cameras and costumes, Beamish Museum has opened the doors to an Edwardian chemist's shop and photographers' studio.