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plan of the Treasury of the Athenians
Delphi, Greece


n. pl. cel·lae (sĕl′ē)
1. The inner room or sanctuary of an ancient Greek or Roman temple, in which the statue of the god was situated.
2. In Byzantine architecture, the area of a centrally planned church in which the liturgy is performed. In both senses also called naos.

[Latin; see kel- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -lae (-liː)
(Architecture) the inner room of a classical temple, esp the room housing the statue of a deity. Also called: naos
[C17: from Latin: room, shrine; see cell1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈsɛl ə)

n., pl. cel•lae (ˈsɛl i)
1. the principal enclosed chamber of a classical temple, containing the statue of the deity.
2. the entire central structure of a classical temple. Also called naos.
[1670–80; < Latin: storeroom, shrine, akin to cēlāre to hide; see conceal]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
But after hearing some of the heartfelt thoughts from Cella, Arkansans can be reassured that they made the right decision by not granting him more automatic financial prosperity.
He considers Cella's complaints against the opposition as sour grapes after he spent his millions.
The Flannigan Rifles Drill Team members are: Colin Berg, Henry Cella, Domenico Carbonara, Brant DeMoss, Michael Fazio, Matthew Felber, Emilio Filippo, Charlie Gambs, Nathan Gelsomino, Will Gillian, John Gissel, Christian Henkel, Connor Hollerbush, Wyatt Holton, Zach Hoschouer, Brenden Ivie, Daniel Katz, Nathan Konen, Joseph Luerck, Jithin Martin, Christian Nowak, Josh Pura, Jack Ramey, Bryce Riner, Ben Saloga, Charlie Schultz, Christian Schultz, George Smith, Matthew Tomaszweski, Greg Weir, Matthew Welch and Jack Wisdom.
Background: Cella, 52, was named president of Oaklawn Jockey Club after his father, Charles J.
Sternopygidae is composed of six genera and 36 species, and is distributed in Transandine drainage, found in hydrographic basins of the Amazon and Orinoco (Cella and Crampton, 2013).
22 August 2018 - US-based law firm Venable LLP and intellectual property firm Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper and Scinto have reached an agreement for Fitzpatrick to join Venable, the firms said.
CELLA was founded by retired Judge Exaltacion Navarro in 1987.
Caption: Erin Cairns Cella (right) performing while pregnant
We will first focus our attention on the analysis of the epigraphic materials found in the space designated "PH Room 10" or "Cella aux tablettes." The so-called "cella" is divided into two areas by a partition wall with a "fosse" in its eastern part opening directly into the funerary space where tomb 3709 lies, (11) and may be considered a working space for magical incantations and necromantic practices.
Cella holds a Master of Architecture and Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and a Certificate of Ecological Architecture from the same university.
Established in 2006, Edward Cella offers original drawings by historically significant architects, objects by emerging West Coast designers and artisans, and ongoing exhibitions of emerging and established contemporary artists.
Cella Energy said it has been awarded the 2015 ICIS 'Best Innovation By A Small/Medium Sized Enterprise' Award.