carbon trading

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Related to carbon trading: Carbon footprint

carbon trading

1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the trading by a country with a relatively low level of carbon dioxide emission of part of its emission entitlement to a country that has a higher level of emission
2. (Commerce) the trading by a country with a relatively low level of carbon dioxide emission of part of its emission entitlement to a country that has a higher level of emission
3. (Environmental Science) the trading by a country with a relatively low level of carbon dioxide emission of part of its emission entitlement to a country that has a higher level of emission
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Changes have been made to the carbon trading scheme where councils have to buy allowances to cover the carbon they emit every year.
AUSTRALIAN opposition leader Tony Abbott has pledged to cut carbon emissions by five per cent by 2020 through tree planting and not by a carbon tax or carbon trading.
The state can earn US $ 2.4 million per year through carbon trading.
This article briefly examines the theory of carbon trading, then looks at the empirical record of the EU Emissions Trading System and the UN Clean Development Mechanism-the world's largest carbon trading schemes.
The reduced level of carbon emission will facilitate carbon trading with other developed countries which face mandatory limits or quotas of carbon emissions.
The new firm intends to help companies manage risks from carbon trading.
FRANKFURT Thu Apr 10, 2014(Reuters) - Frankfurt prosecutors on Thursday sought the arrest of a British national in connection with suspected tax fraud worth 58 million euros ($80 million), widening a carbon trading probe that has also drawn in Deutsche Bank.
Environmental markets advisor Frunza is a former carbon trading broker.
Researchers have monitored the effectiveness of the European Climate Exchange (ECX), as the world's biggest carbon trading platform.
China is launching its first carbon trading scheme in seven cities and provinces, with the pilot project in the city of Shenzhen being rolled out today.
Summary: China, the world's largest carbon emitter launched on Tuesday its first carbon trading scheme aimed ...
Mikro-Tek was one of the first Canadian companies to engage in these fully-audited projects, but because Canada is not a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol, there is no developed carbon trading system here.