car crash

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car crash

1. a collision between motor vehicles
2. informal something or someone that has suffered ruin or calamity
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References in periodicals archive ?
A British woman was seriously injured in a car crash in Paphos on Thursday at 9.30pm, police said.
THE PSNI believe the discovery of a teenager's body outside a hospital is linked to an earlier car crash.
Hassan's comments Sunday were prompted by a car crash the day before in Beirut's Karantina area that took the lives of two young men.
The 50-year-old front seat passenger was severely injured as well and a 21-year-old passenger only mildly.Police took the culprit of the car crash, a 42-year-old Pole, away in handcuffs.
One of the passengers arm has been ripped off, while a driver broke his both legs, ribs and thorax in a car crash in Ryazan region of Russia, Turmush reports.
AN 18-year British man has died in a car crash in New Zealand.
I received muscle grafts on my legs after a serious car crash. I want to be confident and don't want to feel as if I have to cover my legs in public, but I'm nervous that people will ask questions or stare at me.
Servicemen returning from Army Day parade in Sofia provided immediate help to the victims of a car crash they came across on Trakia motorway and took them to hospital, the Defence Ministry said on Friday.
Pervaiz Mirza is alleged to have tried to murder Tracy Taylor in a car crash on Newcastle's central motorway just before Christmas.