call alarm

call alarm

a. an electronic device that sends an alarm signal, usually to a distant monitoring centre
b. (as modifier): a call-alarm system.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Inspectors saw one resident who had been identified as being at being at risk of choking eating alone in their room, while the nurse call alarm was out of their reach.
A range of services are available to the residents to assist them, including provision of meals, cleaning, laundry, call alarm response and a weekly shopper bus.
Bathrooms were in need of refurbishment, including adjusting position of a nurse call alarm ?
Other issues included: | Layout of corridors and associated blind spots made effective patient observation very difficult | No nurse call system in patient bedrooms - "potentially increasing the risk to patient safety were an incident to occur on the ward" | No vision panels on doors of patient rooms meaning if a patient was on regular observations they would be disturbed through the night | Bathrooms were in need of refurbishment, including adjusting position of a nurse call alarm | Staff did not have a clear understanding of intermittent observations, and some timings were not specifically stated on observation sheets | A chair used on one-to-one observations blocked the fire exit.
"This issue potentially increases the risk to patient safety were an incident to occur"; | there were no vision panels on doors of patient rooms, meaning that if a patient was on regular observations they would be disturbed through the night ; | the bathrooms were in need of refurbishment, including adjusting the position of the nurse call alarm, which was not in an appropriate position; | staff on Dinas ward did not have a clear understanding of intermittent observations, and some timings were not specifically stated on the observation sheets; and | a chair being used on one-to-one observations was blocking the fire exit.
A new emergency call alarm system implemented to replace a faulty one highlighted in the CQC report; ?
He added: "His cell call alarm system came up and the prisoner with John notified us he had fainted in the cell and cut his head." Mr Kelly, who had escorted the defendant to the court, said he noticed a fresh wound and informed the chief officer on duty.
We do have a Care Call alarm system, which involves pulling a cord in an emergency, but it leaves a lot to be desired.
She is especially concerned about her panic call alarm. Is there one that can be taken on holiday?
Under the Police Reform Act of 2002, police can seize vehicles used to call alarm, distress or annoyance after issuing a warning.
The Volvo On Call alarm centre can contact the car and get its precise position via its GPS unit - even if its telephone is switched off.