calculating machine

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Noun1.calculating machine - a small machine that is used for mathematical calculationscalculating machine - a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
abacus - a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves
adder - a machine that adds numbers
adding machine, totaliser, totalizer - a calculator that performs simple arithmetic functions
tabulator, counter - a calculator that keeps a record of the number of times something happens
hand calculator, pocket calculator - a calculator small enough to hold in the hand or carry in a pocket
machine - any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks
Napier's bones, Napier's rods - a set of graduated rods formerly used to do multiplication and division by a method invented by John Napier
quipu - calculator consisting of a cord with attached cords; used by ancient Peruvians for calculating and keeping records
subtracter - a machine that subtracts numbers
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calculating machine

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

calculating machine

n(macchina) calcolatrice f
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
The most complete form of accuracy consists in giving correct answers to questions, an achievement in which calculating machines far surpass human beings.
had an adding and calculating machine called the Controlled-Key Comptometer.
1791: Charles Babbage, English inventor of a calculating machine, was born.
Bernama checks at KPJ Tower saw an individual carrying a money calculating machine leaving the building at 3.50 pm.
Babbage was already known for his design for a calculating machine, which he called a "Difference Engine," a reputation he would consolidate with his design for an "Analytical Engine" (1834).
Back in 1947, these girls worked in the pay department at Dorman Long's Britannia Works and using what would now be regarded as a rather primitive form of a calculating machine, they provided pay slips.
A Los Angeles Dodgers B St Louis Cardinals C Philadelphia Phillies D San Francisco Giants QUESTION 13 - for 13 points: Who was the first person to patent a mechanical calculating machine? A Blaise Pascal B Gottfried Leibnitz C Charles Babbage D Edvard Scheutz QUESTION 14 - for 14 points: In which country is the oil port of Khorramshahr?
IF Labour members heed the words oF former Health Minister "Aneurin Bevan that "the right kind of leader for the Labour Party is a dessicated calculating Machine" then Jim Murphy is a shoo-in for the job.
However, on this occasion, he pinpointed a reason for his preference: Brian Clough was a warm human being, Alex Ferguson never less than a cold calculating machine even when he was being "nice".
(Despite his best efforts, this project stalled during implementation.) He also designed and built several working prototypes of an innovative calculating machine which employed his idea of a stepped drum (Staffelwalze) or "Leibniz wheel." This technology continued to be used in calculating machines for more than 200 years and was also central to Leibniz's idea for an Enigma-like cipher machine that would have essentially automated the process of encoding or decoding messages using a remarkably sophisticated polyalphabetic substitution pattern.
Because he's an arrogantly impatient man with social skills at zero, no one but Joan (Keira Knightley) can really stand him until his mysterious calculating machine cracks Enigma.