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(Catalan kaɡaˈner)
1. (Roman Catholic Church) a figure of a squatting defecating person, a traditional character in Catalan Christmas crèche scenes
2. (Art Terms) a figure of a squatting defecating person, a traditional character in Catalan Christmas crèche scenes
[C20: from Catalan cagar shit]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Typically, the Caganer (a figurine squatting and defecating) is hidden in the nativity scene waiting for children to find it.
Caganer, a small defecating figurine appears during the nativity scene.
The caganer, which literally translates to 'the defecator,' is a figure that pretty much does what is named after.
The caganer is a figurine (often of celebrities or politicians), in the squat position with its trousers round its ankles, doing a number two!
4- Catalogne Le Caganer est un petit bonhomme qui pose tranquillement sa peche au milieu de la scene de la nativite.
The caganer (the defecator) a traditional Catalan character, is the strangest gift to look out for and can be found in nativity scenes squatting with his trousers down at Barcelona's Christmas market.
The Caganer is a popular nativity set figurine found in the Catalan cultures of southern France, the Balearic Islands, southern Italy, Spain and Portugal.
The ceramic caganer statuettes show affectionate disrespect for famous personalities and are sold in Catalonia.
It came as quite a surprise when I first set eyes on the famous Catalonian 'caganer'.
Known as the "Caganer", which means (in more polite terms) "the pooper" is essentially a figurine depicted in the act of defecation that can be found in Catalonia and neighboring areas.