business district

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Related to business district: Central business district
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: district - the central area or commercial center of a town or citybusiness district - the central area or commercial center of a town or city; "the heart of Birmingham's downtown"
city district - a district of a town or city
Tin Pan Alley - a city district (originally in New York) where composers and publishers of popular music do business
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References in classic literature ?
When old Mr Simon Stoke, latterly deceased, had made his fortune as an honest merchant (some said money-lender) in the North, he decided to settle as a county man in the South of England, out of hail of his business district; and in doing this he felt the necessity of recommencing with a name that would not too readily identify him with the smart tradesman of the past, and that would be less commonplace than the original bald stark words.
Artists are sought for a 60ft wall painting on Livery Street in the Colmore Business District of Birmingham.
There were also some issues with the use of the $5 monthly fee collected for water meters each month; $28,000 was moved from the Water Department fund into the Business District Fund but should have been allocated to the General Fund.
They argue that the decision was made without taking into consideration that the operators have valid transport licences that allow them to operate in the central business district. The county has issued picking and dropping permits to the matatu operators.
FILE-Mackett of Business District Project in the New Administrative Capital CAIRO -- 29 October 2018: The soil boring of Africa's tallest skyscraper at the New Administrative Capital started, according to Chairman of the New Administrative Capital Company Ahmed Zaki Abdeen.
al-Jaida and al-Suwaidi after signing the pact to establish Qatar Sports Business District.
Colmore Business District will be asking more than 500 companies and organisations whether they wish to see the body continue working for a third five-year tenure on October 15.
figure By WINNIE ATIENO A cargo train ferrying petroleum from Mombasa port has derailed at Kibarani, causing traffic woes into the central business district of Kenyas second biggest city.The train that was using the old metre gauge railway lost its way at 4.
He also revealed that the recognition of Lagos Central Business Districts by the International Downtown Association (IDA), as the third best in Africa after Kenya and South Africa, has underscored the veritable business and investment potentials inherent in the area, adding that as Lagos State is moving towards achieving a smart city status, 'We are tapping from the membership of this international body to set international standard of operations for our activities as well as for the business district as it is the primary resource for information regarding current issues affecting downtowns across the country and the world', stated
Pedestrians make their way in a business district in Tokyo, Japan May 16, 2018.
In fact, commercial real estate transaction volume was up 50.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017 quarter-on-quarter, while stable office leasing demand provided for a slight increase in rent in Seoul's three major business districts: Central Business District (CBD); Gangnam Business District (GBD); and Yeouido Business District (YBD).
Rechler Equity Partners announced that the East End's homegrown cookie giant, Tate's Bake Shop, will be expanding its operations at the Hampton Business District (HBD).

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