bush telegraph

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bush telegraph

1. (Anthropology & Ethnology) a means of communication between primitive peoples over large areas, as by drum beats
2. a means of spreading rumour, gossip, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
téléphone arabe
References in periodicals archive ?
figure By TOM OSANJO A worrying piece of news I received over the weekend even as we went into the crunch tie against Petrol Atletico of Angola was that Zamalek of Egypt and Hussein Dey of Algeria were working out some sort of compromise that would see one of them allow the other to qualify for the next round of the Caf Confederation Cup match at the Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani.As usual with all the news swirling on the bush telegraph it was hard to confirm the truth or lack of in this sensational news.
"I don't think they've seen how protective he gets with the other campmates, and how he'll have blazing rows in the Bush Telegraph if he thinks the rest of us are being put at risk in any way," she said.
On his return to camp last week, John said in the Bush Telegraph: "I am back, I am glad to be back, I did not want to go, I would never have used this as an excuse or an option to leave because I would never give up on something like this."
And while speaking with the Bush Telegraph (via (https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/im-celebrity-john-barrowman-reveals-13687108) Mirror UK ), the "Doctor Who" star talked about the glasses that he stole and said that it shouldn't reach Prince Charles because he might not be invited back to his home.
Claimed in Bush Telegraph he has never Googled himself because he "didn't know what Google was".
The true gent later told the Bush Telegraph: "There's only one person I want to see in a bikini having a shower and that's my wife." Emperor Noel Edmonds and Harry were knocked off their throne and had to hold critters in their mouths, including a yabby, for 60 seconds in a Bushtucker Trial.
"Any time that you see people sat around there, usually someone's been called into the Bush Telegraph and comes out with a bit of paper and says, 'We all need to discuss this topic.'" ."
The quiz expert, 60, revealed bosses have told her to go into the Bush Telegraph if she felt uneasy at any point.
In the Bush Telegraph, George started to cry and was really upset.
The recent news that a graphene light bulb will shortly go on sale, with a claimed 10 per cent reduction in energy use, has got physicists chattering on the bush telegraph. Essentially a modified LED, is this claim based on a comparison with a standard LED?
It's old fashioned sexism," Charlie later told the Bush Telegraph.